Press office Euskirchen
The aim of our communication is to make police actions transparent and understandable.

The Press and Public Relations team (Sonja Rehmert, Sarah Siedschlag, Michael Kötter, Hella Christoph, Fabian Rickel, Caroline Steffen) are the first point of contact at Bielefeld Police Headquarters for all inquiries from print, online, radio and TV editors.

The press work includes

  • providing or forwarding news and assessments of police work events by issuing press releases,
  • answering media inquiries,
  • holding press conferences, press talks and press appointments,
  • giving statements and interviews,
  • looking after, supporting and, if necessary, accompanying media representatives during current events.
  • the evaluation of media publications

The press releases of the Bielefeld police can be accessed via the link to the press portal on the right.

As part of its public relations work, the Bielefeld police want to convey a credible image of their work to citizens, provide information and promote trust, understanding and support for police work.

Public relations work focuses in particular on

  • participating in external events
  • maintaining the Internet, Facebook and Twitter presence
  • organizing events
  • accompanying campaigns
  • organizing exhibitions and
  • supporting visitor groups

In addition to the external image, internal public relations work is also carried out in order to inform all employees of the authority comprehensively and as quickly as possible. This is done, for example, via the internal police intranet, which is available to all police employees to keep them informed about official developments.

Please send any queries to:
Police Headquarters Bielefeld
Management Staff/Press and Public Relations
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 46
33615 Bielefeld

  • Sonja Rehmert (SR), Tel. 0521/545-3020
  • Katja Küster (KK), Tel. 0521/545-3195
  • Sarah Siedschlag (SI), Tel. 0521/545-3021
  • Michael Kötter (MK), Tel. 0521/545-3022
  • Hella Christoph (HC), Tel. 0521/545-3023
  • Fabian Rickel (FR), Tel. 0521/545-3024
  • Caroline Steffen (CS), Tel. 0521/545-3026
  • Lukas Reker (LR), Tel. 0521/545-3222

E-mail: pressestelle.bielefeld [at]

Outside office hours: Control center, Tel. 0521/545-0

Social Media
Please note the following information before accessing the social media pages of the Bielefeld police.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110