Truck loses container
Curious police operations in 2021
In 2021, the Bielefeld police once again had to deal with all kinds of curious cases. Here is a selection of unusual, surprising, funny or unbelievable operations by the Bielefeld police in 2021:
Sonja Rehmert

Truck loses container

An unusual accident occurred on Tuesday, 26.01.2021, at a junction in Altenhagen, when a so-called swap body of a truck became independent and landed on the sidewalk. No persons were injured in the accident, but considerable damage was caused to an advertising pillar. A 54-year-old truck driver from Bielefeld turned left from Kusenweg into Brönninghauser Straße at around 2:30 pm. During the turning maneuver, the swap body came loose, tipped to the right side and displaced an advertising pillar. Fortunately, there were no pedestrians on the sidewalk or the adjacent playground at the scene of the accident. During the accident investigation, traffic officers discovered that the connecting elements between the truck and the swap body were not locked. The 54-year-old had violated his duties as a truck driver and was charged with a misdemeanor. A truck-mounted crane was needed to lift the apparently undamaged and empty container onto the truck.

On just one wheel into the traffic check

During a traffic stop on Herforder Straße on Monday, 22.02.2021, police officers became aware of a motorcyclist who appeared to be driving into the city on only the rear wheel at more than the permitted 50 km/h. The police officers first noticed a loud motorcycle engine noise at around 10:15 p.m. near the junction with Finkenstraße. Because the rider was riding on the rear wheel, the main headlight did not illuminate the road but shone upwards. Even though the officers agreed on the basis of their experience that the motorcyclist was traveling at well over 100 km/h, they were unable to carry out a proper speed measurement of the approaching Honda CBR. An initial statement by the 26-year-old motorcyclist from Bielefeld confirmed the officers' suspicion that the speed was clearly excessive. The police officers suspected that the motorcyclist was trying to reach the highest possible speed by driving in gross violation of traffic regulations and in a reckless manner. They filed a traffic offense report.

Barbecue party organized with loot

On the night of Tuesday, 30.03.2021, unknown persons broke into a storage hut on a Brackwede sports field. The burglars used the barbecue utensils they found to prepare barbecue food they had brought with them. Between Monday, around 9:00 p.m., and Tuesday, around 7:45 a.m., burglars were on the sports field in the area of Sportstraße and Sauerlandstraße. A chair was left behind on the fence, which the strangers presumably used as a climbing aid. The perpetrators first broke open a hut from which they took barbecues, charcoal, firelighters and chairs. They then set up a barbecue area a few meters away. Some unprepared food, filled beverage cups and grilled sausages were left behind. The food was not stored in the broken-in hut, but had obviously been brought in by the perpetrators.

Traffic sign smashes through bathroom window

A traffic sign was catapulted through the window pane of a house around 47 meters away in a traffic accident on Paderborner Straße on Monday, 19.04.2021. The person who caused the accident - a Lexus driver - fled. A resident of Paderborner Straße was startled by a loud noise at around 02:30 and heard a vehicle driving away with a loud engine noise. She went into her bathroom and found a traffic sign on the floor. The window and a wall cupboard were damaged. A previously unknown car driver had previously driven into the traffic island on Paderborner Straße, at house number 304, damaging the bracket of the traffic sign on it. On impact, the traffic sign came loose, hurled through the window pane about 47 meters away against the bathroom cabinet and came to rest in the room. The driver of the accident drove on in his Lexus, which was damaged at the front, without paying any attention to the damage. After the police appealed for witnesses, the 25-year-old hit-and-run driver from Lippe handed himself in to the police a short time later.

Suspicious observation and a harmless explanation

When a woman from Bielefeld called the police control center on Thursday, 28.05.2021 and described a suspicious observation, extensive investigations were quickly initiated. Around four hours later, the all-clear was given for everyone involved. In the Löllmannshof area at around 2:50 p.m., the witness had seen a white Daimler with two people in it pull up and stop. When both people got out, the woman from Bielefeld was taken aback because one person got into the trunk while the other said that this was his last chance. The car then drove off. After extensive investigations by the police, the owner of the vehicle was able to help clear things up: two weeks earlier, the man from Bielefeld had bought the vehicle and was annoyed by a rattling noise in the trunk area. In order to get to the bottom of the noise, he had taken a trip with a car mechanic, who had finally climbed into the trunk to locate the rattling in the trunk during the journey and repair it later. The mechanic, a 45-year-old from Bielefeld, confirmed the 21-year-old's story. The police expressly emphasize that the reporting party acted correctly and well by calling the police, even if the observation turned out to be harmless.

Illegal hemp cultivation discovered

On Tuesday, 01.06.2021, a dealer who was producing narcotics in his own home was discovered. Following a tip-off from a witness, patrol officers went to an apartment on Oelkerstraße at around 4:30 pm. As it was suspected that there were considerable quantities of narcotics in the apartment, the officers had previously applied to the Bielefeld district court for a search warrant. As soon as they entered the apartment, they smelled an intense odor of cannabis. They did not find the 42-year-old tenant. An additional locked room aroused the officers' interest. In this room there was a device for growing cannabis plants. It was a room-high construction made of tarpaulins to which an exhaust system with a hose was attached. Inside were several hemp plants in pots, as well as several plants hung from the ceiling to dry. Further hemp plants were laid out to dry on the balcony. The officers seized 160 grams of hashish, 680 grams of marijuana and 1550 grams of amphetamine. They filed charges against the 42-year-old man from Bielefeld for the illegal cultivation of narcotics.

Honest finder brings 700 euros to the police

On Sunday morning, 13.06.2021, a 38-year-old woman from Bielefeld entered a bank branch in Braker Straße at around 09:00 a.m. and made a surprising cash find. On a bank statement printer was a bag with numerous banknotes - a total amount of 700 euros. The honest finder didn't have to think twice and took the money to the North Police Station. Based on the video recordings of the vestibule, the rightful owner, a 58-year-old woman from Bielefeld, was identified. The owner was relieved when she handed over the money. She was initially puzzled by the call from the police that her money had been handed in, but was naturally relieved, she said.

Toilet paper causes serious fall

A woman from Bielefeld lost control of her bicycle on Tuesday, 29.06.2021, when a packet of toilet paper got caught in the spokes of the front wheel. The 54-year-old woman from Bielefeld was cycling along Albert-Schweitzer-Straße in the direction of Schloßhofstraße at around 12:05. While she was riding, the package was hanging from the left handlebar grip. In a left-hand bend, the toilet paper got caught between the front fork and the spokes. This blocked the tire and the woman fell. The 54-year-old suffered serious injuries in the accident. Rescue workers attended to the woman. An emergency doctor was flown in by rescue helicopter for further treatment. The emergency services then took the woman from Bielefeld to hospital, where she was admitted as an inpatient.

With the e-scooter over the A2

On Sunday afternoon, 08.08.2021, the phones at the Bielefeld police control center were ringing off the hook. The driver of an e-scooter, with a maximum speed of 20 km/h, was using the A 2 in the direction of Hanover between the Bielefeld-Süd and Bielefeld-Ost junctions at around 11:20 am. The 24-year-old driver left the highway again at the Bielefeld-Ost junction. He was found on Lagesche Str. by officers from the Herford highway police station and checked. The driver stated that he had bought the vehicle the day before and was now testing the range of the battery. He did not know that he was not allowed to drive it on the highway. He hadn't thought anything of it either, as he had been driving on the far right and nobody had honked. He had not taken out the mandatory liability insurance for the e-scooter, so the journey was over. After paying a security deposit to secure the criminal proceedings, he was allowed to continue his journey on foot.

Tuned e-bike stopped

Officers from the police traffic service became aware of the rider of an e-bike on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, due to the high speed and strong acceleration and pulled the bike out of traffic. At around 8 p.m., the officers noticed the rider of a mountain bike because he was traveling unusually fast on the cycle path along Eckendorfer Straße. Even after stopping at a traffic light, the cyclist accelerated to around 45 km/h in a very short space of time. During the subsequent check, the officers discovered that the 36-year-old from Bielefeld had installed an unauthorized electronic component. This enabled him to switch off the original 25 km/h limit of the electric motor. This manipulation meant that the bike was no longer an electric mountain bike, but a motorcycle. However, the 36-year-old did not have the necessary insurance and registration. He did not have a corresponding driver's license. The police officers also recognized that the mountain bike rider was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Following the check, a blood sample was taken from him. The officers confiscated his bike. Disappointed, the 36-year-old made his way home without the technically manipulated bike.

Custody on remand for champagne thief

On Tuesday afternoon, October 12, 2021, a shoplifter stole nine bottles of champagne worth several hundred euros. On Wednesday afternoon, the repeat offender was remanded in custody. At around 12:30 pm, the alleged customer, a 23-year-old man of no fixed abode, entered a supermarket in Teutoburger Straße, near Webereistraße. After the thief had deposited a total of nine bottles of champagne in a rucksack he was carrying, he wanted to leave the store without paying. However, a store detective noticed the 23-year-old and stopped him. The offender had already been noticed shoplifting in the same supermarket on October 2, 2021. After the crime, however, he escaped with the loot. On Wednesday afternoon, 13.10.2021, the responsible magistrate at Bielefeld district court ordered the man to be remanded in custody.

Police escort pregnant woman to hospital

Bielefeld police officers helped expectant parents stuck in a traffic jam on Wednesday, 17.11.2021, and guided them unharmed to the women's and children's hospital. After a traffic accident with property damage at around 07:00 on the A 33 near the Paderborn-Elsen junction, the people involved in the accident called the police. Police officers from the Stukenbrock highway police station were given the task of recording the accident. While they were on the approach and waiting at a set of traffic lights, the occupants of a Skoda Fabia made themselves known. The man and his heavily pregnant wife were on their way to hospital and were making slow progress due to a series of red lights. The officers did not hesitate for long and took over the unusual operation. While the people involved in the accident waited secured on the hard shoulder of the A33 for the next patrol car, the police officers who were approached guided the car and the expectant family to the hospital in Paderborn, where the specialist staff took over. As the Bielefeld police were able to find out, the parents and their little son, who was born at around 10:30 a.m., are doing well despite the excitement.

Car driver tailgates police officer of all people

A car driver from Düsseldorf hit a civilian highway police car while tailgating on the A2 freeway on Monday afternoon, December 6, 2021. At around 12:35 p.m., police officers in a civilian patrol car overtook several vehicles driving in the right and middle lanes on the left-hand lane of the A 2 in the direction of Dortmund. In the area of the Vlotho West junction, an off-road vehicle approached the patrol car from behind, drove up close to the patrol car and honked its horn. During the entire overtaking maneuver of the civilian patrol car, the SUV driver drove closely behind the vehicle in front. When the traffic situation made it possible to change lanes to the middle lane and the police car started to do so, the Jaguar passed the police vehicle, which was still partially in the left-hand lane. The SUV driver honked, made a hand gesture to the occupants and insulted them. The occupants then identified themselves as police officers with the aid of the mobile blue light and gave the Jaguar driver signals to stop. The 65-year-old driver from Düsseldorf was stopped in a parking lot near the exit. The result is criminal proceedings for coercion in road traffic and insult.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110