"Integrity is the basis of police action" - Bielefeld police look at their values compass

Bielefeld policeVideo"Integrity is the basis of police action" - Bielefeld police look at their values compass

Am I still who I wanted to be? The employees of the Bielefeld police are concerned with the importance of the value of integrity in their daily work. As part of the nationwide campaign "Police work is value work", employees across all departments have decided on this value, which is particularly important to them.

"Rules and laws are abstract, police act concretely," says Police Commissioner Dr Müller-Steinhauer, summarizing the challenges that police officers face in their everyday work. She emphasizes that police officers are often required to act quickly. They have to assess a situation in a short space of time and act responsibly - act with integrity. She summarizes her understanding of integrity in the following sentence: "Act the way you would like to be treated."

As part of the campaign, a video was produced on the subject of values at Bielefeld Police. Employees give a brief insight into their everyday lives and explain their understanding of integrity.

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