Harnessed yogurt
Annual review of curious cases by the Bielefeld police
In 2019, the Bielefeld police once again had to deal with funny, astonishing and unbelievable operations. A look back at twelve curious cases:
Sonja Rehmert

Parts of a mannequin end up in the litter bin

An unusual shoplifting incident kept the police busy on Monday, January 7, 2019, near Kesselbrink, when a man stole the legs and clothing of a mannequin.

A 22-year-old female passer-by observed a man coming towards her from Friedrich-Ebert-Straße at around 10.55 a.m. who gave off an unusual appearance. The stranger was wearing the legs of a mannequin dressed in glittering leggings. At a bus stop, he showed his legs to two people. He then slipped the leggings off and removed a label. While he stowed the glittery trousers in his rucksack, he deposited the legs in a nearby litter bin. When police officers spoke to the witness, the shoplifter came out of a public toilet. The 31-year-old from Bielefeld confessed to the theft. He did not give any further details. The man was drunk at the time of the crime. After the report was taken, the 31-year-old was allowed to continue on his way. The police collected the legs and leggings, including the label, and handed everything over to an employee of a fashion store on Friedrich-Ebert-Straße.

Damaged SUV to be pushed aside - cooling water leads to the scene of the accident

A motorist asked a cyclist for help on Friday, February 8, 2019, on the street Am Pfarracker. In exchange for money, she was supposed to help push the damaged car off the road. Patrol officers found the drunk driver in a nearby garden.

At around 2.20 a.m., a Nissan driver approached a 24-year-old woman from Bielefeld who was riding her bicycle on Am Pfarracker road. He was hoping for help from the cyclist because he was unable to push his badly damaged Nissan Quashquai away on his own near the Am Vorwerk junction. The front of the vehicle was dented, the left fender surround was completely torn off and coolant was leaking out. When the young woman from Bielefeld did not respond to the driver's approach, he offered her money if she would help hide the car. The cyclist refused and announced that she would call the police. Patrol officers came across the abandoned SUV parked at the junction of Am Vorwerk. They stopped the runaway driver in a garden nearby. The officers noticed an odor of alcohol in the 43-year-old man from Bielefeld. At the police station, a doctor took a blood sample from the driver. He spent the night in police custody. The police confiscated the 43-year-old's driving license and SUV. During the patrol officers' investigations, the leaked coolant led them in a serpentine line to a parked Mercedes Sprinter in Rappoldstraße. Vehicle parts from the Nissan Quashquai were lying next to the van, which had fresh signs of an accident.


Yogurt drink strapped to the passenger seat

On Thursday, 28.02.2019, officers from the highway police's traffic service noticed a van on its way from Hanover to East Westphalia. They discovered significant deficiencies in the transportation of foodstuffs

At around 2 p.m., the officers checked the van at the Lipperland Nord service area. The 33-year-old driver from Hanover had placed twelve pallets of 24 cups of yogurt drinks on the passenger seat. These may only be transported at a maximum temperature of eight degrees Celsius. In the hold of the Fiat Ducato there were around 30 skewers of kebab meat weighing 25 kilograms each, 10 boxes of raw chicken meat weighing 12 kilograms each and four boxes of lamb meat weighing 12 kilograms each. The meat appeared to have been defrosted several times and was lying unprotected on the dirty floor of the loading compartment. The vehicle was then taken to the food inspection department of the Herford district. Staff there found that the permissible storage and transport temperatures had been significantly exceeded. The core temperature of the meat was only minus six degrees Celsius instead of the required minus 18 degrees Celsius. The dairy products had a temperature of 17.8 degrees Celsius and should have been transported at less than eight degrees. Furthermore, partially defrosted lamb and chicken meat was transported. The goods were destined for snack bars in the area of East Westphalia Lippe and southern Lower Saxony. Employees of the district of Herford sealed the van and sent it to the food inspection department of the city of Hanover.

Sniffer dog "Nappi" uncovers drug depot of a 72-year-old

On Tuesday, 02.04.2019, investigators from the Bielefeld criminal investigation department found a stash of drugs in a storage facility in the south of the city.

A customer of the rental warehouse had noticed the smell of cannabis in the area of storage boxes the day before. A company employee then informed the police. A patrol car crew dispatched was also able to detect the smell of cannabis without being able to assign it to a specific storage box. The drug squad was then informed. Together with the Gütersloh police narcotics detection dog "Nappi", the investigators identified a storage box as the source of the odor emissions. When checking the rental contract for this box, the officers became aware that the tenant was the father of a drug seller from Bielefeld who had been known for years. The investigators opened the storage box by order of the Bielefeld district court. They found a total of 2400 grams of marijuana and 104 grams of cocaine in two thermo boxes. The officers then searched the apartment of the 72-year-old pensioner. The searchers were able to find the key to the storage box on his key ring. The officers found further, not insignificant quantities of marijuana in the man's apartment and car. The man also had various items needed for drug trafficking. In addition, more than 6000 euros were seized from the senior citizen, which could represent the profits from previous drug transactions. The man was provisionally arrested. The 72-year-old was charged with trafficking in cocaine and cannabis in not insignificant quantities.

Burglar falls asleep at the scene of the crime

After a burglar broke into an office on Glatzer Straße early on Monday morning, 27.05.2019, police found him asleep at the scene of the crime.

At around 3.25 a.m., the 23-year-old man, who was known to the police, forced his way into an office via the roof of the building and stole valuables. The police found out about the break-in after an alarm was triggered and met the burglar at the scene, who had fallen asleep on the roof of the building next to his loot. He had stolen office utensils worth around 150 euros and caused damage of around 500 euros as a result of the break-in. The man of no fixed abode was provisionally arrested. Criminal charges were filed against him. The stolen goods were returned to an authorized representative on the spot.

At a speed limit of 30 km/h on a school route: driving far more than twice as fast

Officers from the Bielefeld police traffic service carried out speed measurements on a school route in Oldentrup on Wednesday, 12.06.2019. A female driver was traveling at 79 km/h.

The police had set up a checkpoint in the morning on Oldentruper Straße near the Spannbrink junction. The speed limit on this stretch of road is 30 km/h near Oldentrup elementary school. The first car was the fastest vehicle to be targeted by the police officers. A 28-year-old woman from Bielefeld was measured in her Audi at 82 km/h in the 30 km/h zone. After deducting the measurement tolerance, the officers accused her of driving at 79 km/h and of having exceeded the speed limit by 49 km/h. The woman from Bielefeld was herself driving with a school-age child in her car.

"Odd" police operation

Two Bielefeld police officers rescued a young barn owl on Saturday, 29.06.2019, and handed it over to Olderdissen Zoo.

At around 11.30 a.m., as the officers were walking past the residents' parking spaces and the vehicles parked there after another operation in Knobelsdorffstraße, they noticed a small fluffy figure huddled in the shadow of a car tire. On closer inspection, the police officers realized that it was a small, flightless owl. It still had a lot of fluff in its feathers and was obviously very exhausted. After the small nocturnal bird was carefully taken into custody, it began its first foray by patrol car through its future territory in Bielefeld. At the end of his excursion, he was taken to the shelter for wild animals in distress at Olderdissen Zoo. Here, the competent animal keeper determined that it was a young, flightless barn owl, whose species is on the red list of endangered species. The little owl was given its own breeding aviary and half a mouse to round off the day.

Dealer in bad luck

Officers on plainclothes patrol arrested a drug dealer in Stadthallenpark on Tuesday, 20.08.2019, when he got the wrong customers.

The plainclothes officers were patrolling Stadthallenpark at around 2 p.m. when they noticed a man. He waved to them in a friendly manner and advertised his wares from ten meters away: "Hi guys! What do you want? Do you need something? Marijuana? How much?". When the officers approached him, he greeted them with a friendly smile. But after they showed their ID cards, the mood changed. The man realized his serious mistake and tried to flee without further ado. However, the police officers were able to prevent him from doing so and arrested the 28-year-old man from Borgholzhausen. During the arrest, the man, who was known to the police, tried to dispose of two small bags of marijuana from his back pocket. They were seized by the officers. The 28-year-old was banned from the city center. He was also charged with illegal trafficking in cannabis.

Police help with spider problem

Two friends with two children contacted the police on Wednesday evening, August 21, 2019, seeking help. They had stopped on the hard shoulder of the BAB 33 because of a "giant spider" inside their car and did not dare to get back in and drive on.

The day trippers from Unna had visited a wildlife park and discovered the "giant spider" in their car on the way back via the A33 at around 7 p.m. The spider had crawled away and the 26-year-old women were now worried that it could be an exotic poisonous spider from the wildlife park. They therefore stopped on the shoulder of the highway between Stukenbrock-Senne and Schloß Holte in the direction of Osnabrück, jumped out of the car and called the police for help. The highway police from the Bielefeld police headquarters took charge of the problem. When the officers arrived, the spider had obviously already fled and could no longer be found in the vehicle. However, as the group had forgotten to switch off the vehicle's power consumers when they stormed out of the car, the vehicle's battery was now flat and the excursionists were unable to continue their journey home immediately. The excursion ultimately led to a visit to the Stukenbrock highway police station, where the group spent their time waiting to be picked up by family members.

Truck loses a ton of carrots on the highway

At around 10:50 a.m. on Friday, September 13, 2019, a loaded truck lost a ton of carrots from the loading area on the Autobahn 2 in the direction of Hanover. The carrots were spread across two lanes over a distance of around 200 meters, causing closures and traffic jams.

The two lanes affected had to be closed until the cleaning work had been completed. Traffic was backed up for several kilometers. At around 4.30 p.m., the carrots were finally all removed and the lanes could be reopened.

With olives in a jar against wedding parade

At around 4.25 p.m. on Saturday, October 12, 2019, several cars from a wedding party were driving along Beckhausstraße towards the city center when a participant in the parade suddenly heard a loud bang in his Porsche 911 Carrera near the traffic lights at the Herforder Straße junction. When he looked behind him, he realized that the rear window of his car had been completely shattered. The 29-year-old Porsche driver stopped and eventually found a screw-top jar of olives in the back seat of the car, which had obviously smashed through the rear window. Witnesses told the police officers on the scene that they could see an object flying in the direction of the Porsche. The glass may have been thrown from one of the houses near the scene of the crime. The members of the wedding party had been honking their horns shortly beforehand, but had otherwise been driving normally and in accordance with the rules. The police filed a criminal complaint and investigated for dangerous interference with road traffic.

Driver flees through a river and is still caught

An apparently intoxicated man tried to escape during a traffic stop on Lerchenstraße on the night of Tuesday, November 19, 2019.

At around 1.30 a.m., a VW Golf on Otto-Brenner-Straße came into the sights of patrol officers. They followed the car into Lerchenstraße and told the driver to stop. During the check, the police officers smelled a distinct odor of alcohol and cannabis. The driver initially agreed to take a breath test. He was unable to produce either a vehicle registration document or a driver's license. When he got out of the vehicle, the driver suddenly ran off. He fled along a footpath in the direction of a reservoir. There he slipped through an embankment and got caught in the current of the Lutter. The man's trail was initially lost here. When the officers searched the surrounding area, they discovered the driver on Heeper Straße. He was lying on the ground in a driveway. He was severely hypothermic and was immediately taken to a nearby hospital. A blood sample was taken from the 24-year-old from Bielefeld, who was known to the police. Charges were filed for drunk driving.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110