Threat of an attack at Bielefeld main station - so far no evidence of concrete danger

Threat of an attack at Bielefeld main station - so far no evidence of concrete danger
Bielefeld Mitte - On Monday afternoon, 25.12.2023, a previously unknown person made a telephone call threatening an attack at Bielefeld Central Station. The Bielefeld police, together with the federal police, are on site with strong forces; there are currently no indications of a concrete danger.
Police Bielefeld
Bielefeld police

At around 3.20 p.m., the Bielefeld police received a call from an as yet unidentified person with a male voice threatening an attack within the next ten minutes at Bielefeld Central Station. As a result, the Bielefeld police immediately initiated measures together with the Federal Police. The main station was closed and no trains are currently running. There are currently no indications of any specific danger. The Bielefeld police are still investigating the identity of the caller. Sniffer dogs are currently being used to search the station.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110