Bielefeld Police / J. Brüschin Availability The central telephone number of the Bielefeld police is 0521 545-0 (available 24 hours a day). Further contact details and addresses can be found here. In an emergency, please call 110 Bielefeld Police Headquarters Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 4633615 BielefeldTelephone: 0521 545-0 (available 24 hours a day)Fax: 0521 545-3377Email: poststelle.bielefeld [at] Police station north Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 4633615 BielefeldTelephone: 0521 545-4430 (available 24 hours a day)Fax: 0521 545-3377Email: pwnord.bielefeld [at] (pwnord[dot]bielefeld[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) East police station August-Bebel-Str. 9333602 BielefeldTelephone: 0521 545-2201 (available 24 hours a day)Fax: 0521 545-3377Email: pwost.bielefeld [at] (pwost[dot]bielefeld[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) Police station south Stadtring 8033647 BielefeldTelephone: 0521 545-2801 (available 24 hours a day)Fax: 0521 545-3377Email: pwsued.bielefeld [at] (pwsued[dot]bielefeld[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) Stadtwache Niederwall 2333602 BielefeldTelephone: 0521 515151 Opening hours: Mo - Fri: 8 am - 9 pmSat: 9 am - 4 pm Outside opening hours, please contact the East Police Station. Autobahnpolizeiwache Stukenbrock/Senne Lippstädter Weg 26a33758 Schloß Holte-StukenbrockTelefon: 0521 545-7630 (24/7)Telefax: 0521 545-7629E-Mail: Fragen und Hinweise zu Verkehrsunfällen bitte an vk... Autobahnpolizeiwache Herford Ahmser Straße 13432052 HerfordTelefon: 0521 545-7830 (24/7)Telefax: 0521 545-7829E-Mail: Fragen und Hinweise zu Verkehrsunfällen bitte an vk1.bielefeld@polizei...