Concept for driving schools

Concept for driving schools
"Accidents only happen to other people" is a common misconception among young novice drivers. With the educational concept for driving schools, the NRW police are presenting a prevention concept for this target group for the first time.

The film and the physical description of the course of the accident can be integrated into the theoretical driving lessons. This means that learner drivers can be taught the consequences of dangerous behavior immediately at the start of their first practical driving experience. As a rule, there is a more direct relationship between driving school teachers and learner drivers than between teachers at schools and pupils, so that an even more direct influence can be exerted here.

In the case of driving schools, it should be noted that the content is taught here in a condensed form and - due to the format of the theory lessons - it is more of a lecture. This makes it all the more important to raise the pupils' awareness of the topic in the long term.

Thus, the film also plays a central role here and, similar to the teaching sequence at schools, should be accompanied by the pupils' opinions. The aim is to convey that taking part in illegal races is not a trivial offense and that you are not only responsible for yourself in such races, but that the circle of those affected is wider than the driver may initially realize.

Showing the film serves as an introduction so that the pupils are confronted with the topic. First impressions and experiences can already be gathered here, so that a common content and technical level is created, which is important for the rest of the presentation.

In the form of an interactive PowerPoint presentation, the factors that led to the accident (social, physical, etc.) are pointed out. The question of the different influence of these factors is also discussed together in order to understand the course of the accident and to be sensitized to the risk factors.

The driving school association was involved in the creation of the extract.

Driving schools should contact their respective driving instructor associations:

Driving schools from the Westphalia association at info [at] (info[at]fahrlehrerverbandwestfalen[dot]de)

Driving schools from the North Rhine association at info [at] (info[at]fahrlehrerverband-nordrhein[dot]de)


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