Burglar radar
Burglary radar - map on residential burglary crime
The Bielefeld police inform about burglaries in the last calendar week.

The Bielefeld police provide regular weekly information on residential burglaries.

The fight against burglars is a top priority for the Bielefeld police.

As a further tool for greater transparency and awareness, the police publish a weekly map showing residential burglaries in Bielefeld from the previous week.

The map allows Bielefeld citizens to get their own picture of burglaries in their neighborhood.

In the 25th week of the year, the police recorded seven residential burglaries in Bielefeld.

The Bielefeld police advise people to protect themselves against burglary:

Be security-conscious and use solid mechanical security technology (e.g. protective fittings and additional locks). protection fittings and additional locks) are the top priority in burglary protection and offer resistance to burglars.

Secure possible weak points in your house/apartment (e.g. house and apartment entrance doors, balcony or patio doors, windows, cellar access points) by installing tested security technology. Prying open well-secured doors and windows costs the perpetrator time and causes noise. The Bielefeld police will be happy to advise you on which security alternatives are suitable for your home. One call is all it takes: 0521/5837-2555.

Every citizen can make an active contribution to preventing burglaries by paying attention. A culture of looking and acting makes it difficult for burglars. Anyone who keeps an eye on their surroundings and neighborhood and notices suspicious persons or events should inform the police immediately by calling 110.

Put a stop to burglars! Protect your property, because "safer is safer." Further information on the nationwide prevention campaign against home burglary can be found at https://polizei.nrw/artikel/riegel-vor-sicher-ist-sicherer.

Data from OpenStreetMap (https://www.openstreetmap.org/) - Published under ODbL (https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/)

Translated with DeepL.com (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110